Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA)

Deming School of Business

Earn Your Bachelor’s with Our BSBA degree completion program.

The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) degree completion program is designed for students who have already earned a minimum of 60 semester credits (or an Associate’s Degree) from an appropriately accredited institution. Offered in a distance education format, the degree completion program is ideal for those who want to specialize in a certain business area, start a business, and perhaps pursue a Master's degree.

The BSBA degree completion program is designed to develop well-rounded business professionals. This is accomplished through the presentation of the technical and interpersonal skills required to obtain positions in business or as independent business operators.  The program features Foundation and Specialization courses.  Foundation courses build a broad understanding of the elements of business management and administration.  All Foundation courses must be completed before a student enrolls in Specialization courses.  Graduates of the program will emerge with a recognized degree and a set of diverse and relevant skills that are applicable in the pursuit of administration, management, or entrepreneurial opportunities and growth.

The BSBA degree completion program is presented through distance education using online technology requiring no classroom or seminar attendance. The program is offered in the Independent Study modality.

Learning Modality | Curriculum | Program Outcomes | Admissions Process

Upcoming Start Dates:
March 4th | May 6th

Tuition: $225/credit

Credits Required:
120 (including 60+ previously-earned)

Total Program Tuition:
$6,750-13,500 (30-60 credits)

Learning Modality:
Independent Study

Admissions Requirements:
60+ undergraduate credits
an Associate’s Degree

Program Catalog | FAQs

Did you enroll in our BSBA program before the October 26, 2021 start date? You can find your program catalogs and other relevant information here.

 Independent Study that Fits Your Busy Schedule

Our Independent Study modality gives you the flexibility to fit your program around your career and lifestyle.

Students have 8 weeks to complete each course, working independently with the support of a faculty mentor. The time to degree completion may be accelerated or extended, within the guidelines of the University.

Each course in the program contains a series of lesson assignments, generally consisting of reading assignments supplemented occasionally by various multimedia. Students are evaluated through examinations and/or research assignments, which are submitted for faculty evaluation.

Pay tuition in installments completely interest-free — each semester, just make a 30% downpayment upfront, followed by 3 monthly payments.

Start on any of six start dates throughout the year.


120 credits are required for graduation from the University.  A total of  60 transfer credits are required for admission which must include 30 hours of General Education courses including a minimum of 6 hours of Language Arts and 3 hours of College Algebra. A student may transfer in a maximum of 90 hours. 

A minimum of 30 hours must be completed at William Howard Taft University and all Foundation Courses must be completed before moving on to Specialization Courses. The final course of our BSBA program is the Comprehensive Business Plan. Complete information about fees associated with our programs can be found on the Tuition & Fees page. All courses available in the BSBA program are available to view below.

+ Foundation Courses

This course introduces students to fundamental business concepts, the business environment, forms of business, management, marketing, and the principles of business finance.

This course explores the concepts, techniques, and tools used for financial decision making, including capital structure planning, financing decisions, working capital management, and financial management for global corporations.

This is the first of two courses that introduce students to the comprehensive components that constitute managerial and financial accounting. Students will examine and be able to prepare financial statements, budgets, and employ accounting data in making strategic and managerial business decisions.

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of management information systems (MIS) and how people use information systems to solve business problems and satisfy business objectives. It explores personal, workgroup, and enterprise management information systems.

There is no greater asset to a company than its employees. In this course, students evaluate how to maximize a firm’s potential through identifying and keeping an ideal workforce through the world of human resource management. Today’s human resource professionals are not focused solely on administrative tasks. Rather, they work in all levels of the organization and are aligned with the strategic goals of the firm. Topics include HR business ethics, social responsibility, legal considerations, staffing, human resource development, performance management and appraisal, compensation, employee and labor relations, and operating in a global environment.

This course will examine how to create customer value, target the correct market, and build customer relationships. The changing nature of consumer expectations means that marketers must learn how to build communities in addition to brand loyalty. Today’s marketing challenge is creating vibrant, interactive communities of consumers who make products and brands a part of their daily lives. Students will explore how to create value and gain loyal customers.

+ Specialization Courses

This course follows ACC300 Accounting I with topics in financial analysis, costing, and performance evaluation.
Prerequisite: ACC300.

This course provides students with comprehensive coverage of the research experience as it relates to business topics. Managerial decision-making is the underlying theme and topics are presented and organized in a manner that allows students to thoroughly explore business research functions. Students will complete an in-depth business research project as a part of this course.

This course focuses on human relations issues and competencies relevant to today’s work environment, taking a two-pronged approach that improves interpersonal skills by first presenting basic concepts and then by facilitating skill development and self-assessment. It features skill-building exercises that prepare students for today’s business environment.

This course explores the theoretical background of ethics, ethical decision-making, relationships between businesses and stakeholders, ethical issues relating to the firm’s interaction with the natural environment, health care, and ethical issues related to information technology, strategic planning, and corporate culture. Students will consider the positive consequences of ethical behavior and the negative consequences of unethical behavior.

In this course, students will explore both the contracts and the regulatory material that is crucial for business law professions. Topics include business decisions, online commerce & internet law, business ethics, international law, non-internet-related legal issues, and landmark cases, which highlight the most important cases and statutes that have shaped the law in the United States.

Effective leadership is the cornerstone of any business venture. Much research has gone into discovering how people lead effectively and many executives want to know how to turn this research toward their advantage. This course addresses both the theoretical and the practical side of leadership and provides practical advice for business leaders.

In today’s economy, gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage is harder than ever. This course examines how firms formulate, implement, and evaluate strategies. Strategic management concepts and techniques are studied with a focus on driving business objectives in the current business environment and global economy.

This course provides an analytical approach to macroeconomics using the latest policy and data. Students are encouraged to think like economists through the application of concepts to today’s events, news, and research. Topics include macroeconomic trends, fluctuations, and policy. Students explore economic growth, finance, saving and investment, inflation, the exchange rate and the balance of payments, aggregate supply and aggregate demand, US inflation, unemployment, fiscal and monetary policy, and international trade policy.

In this course, students analyze the latest concepts in microeconomic theory. Topics include how markets work, firms and markets, market failure and government, factor markets, inequality, and uncertainty. Students explore demand and supply; elasticity; efficiency and equity; government actions in markets; global markets, utility and demand, production output and costs, perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and economic inequality.

This course provides students with a comprehensive framework for addressing operational process and supply chain issues to create value through operations management. Topics include competing with operations, project management, process strategy, process analysis, quality and performance, capacity planning, constraint management, lean systems, supply chain design and integration, inventory management, forecasting, operations planning and scheduling, and resource planning.

The internet and other technologies have had a profound effect on the way we do business. This transformation has resulted in new business techniques that add customer value, build customer relationships, and increase company profitability. This course explores the internet in the context of business issues that concern marketers. Topics will include website usability, search engine optimizations, and pay-per-click marketing. Social media and mobile marketing are also examined.
Prerequisite: MKT305.

This course illustrates how successful managers must function in a competitive world. It emphasizes skills development, emerging markets, and geographical literacy. Topics include: an overview of international business; global marketplaces and business centers; legal, technological, and political forces; the role of culture; ethics and social responsibility in international business; international trade and investment theory; international monetary system and the balance of payments; exchange and international financial markets; international cooperation among nations; international strategic management; strategies for analyzing and entering foreign markets; international organization design and control; leadership and employee behavior in international business; international marketing; international financial management; human resource management and labor relations.

+ Capstone Course

Students taking this course will develop a comprehensive business plan for a real or fictitious business. Working from knowledge gained through completion of prior courses and with the guidance of the instructional faculty, students will develop and refine a plan that includes the major components: the executive summary section, the business section, the market analysis section, the financing section, and the management section.
Prerequisite: Completion of all Foundation & Specialization courses.

Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will be able to: 

PLO1 - Apply research and knowledge in the following broad-based areas: business management, accounting, marketing, economics, organizational behavior, and finance.

PLO2 - Evaluate ethical, business, legal, and regulatory issues.

PLO3 - Make appropriate decisions and recommendations based on sound research reasoning and analysis sensitive to stakeholder interests.

PLO4 – Identify the connections between business and community.

PLO5 – Make socially responsible and environmentally sustainable choices when incorporating business operations and strategy.

PLO6 – Demonstrate using information systems to gather data, assess information, and formulate meaningful reports supporting business decisions.

PLO7 – Relate the traits and actions of effective leaders.

PLO8 - Identify how to manage individuals and teams effectively in the business environment.

Program Outcomes

Admissions Process

  • Apply Online

    Complete our online Application Form and attach any prepared documents. Additional documents may be emailed directly to or your Admissions Representative after your application form is submitted.

    Required Documentation:

    • Associate’s or Undergraduate Transcript(s)

    • Resume

    • Copy of ID

  • Get Transfer & Portfolio Credits Approved

    If you have additional courses after the required 60 credits, you may be able to bring up to 30 credits into our BSBA program as transfer credit.

    To bring in transfer credits from previously-taken courses, you’ll have to pay our Transfer Credit Evaluation Fee.

    You may also be able to get credits for experiential learning or credit by exam. Please email your admissions representative or with any questions.

  • Choose Your Start Date

    Independent Study students are able to begin their program on any of six start dates throughout the year. You can find complete information about our start dates, holidays, and other important dates on our Academic Calendar.

    Once you’re accepted into the program, your admissions representative will confirm your start date with you.

  • Complete Your Enrollment Materials

    Once your start date is confirmed, you’ll be provided with enrollment materials to fill out and sign.

    For students using our cash pay option, this includes the first tuition payment.