Deming School of Business

Message from the Dean



Welcome to the Deming School of Business at William Howard Taft University. William Deming’s (1900-1993) significant contributions to the theory of quality improvement include, among other things, the Fourteen Points for Quality Improvement and the System of Profound Knowledge.

Deming’s Theory of Profound Knowledge consists of four parts: appreciation for a system, knowledge about variation, theory of knowledge, and knowledge of psychology. He believed in what Gestalt Theorists stated as: the whole is different and/or greater than the sum of its parts. He knew that in order to improve/change/or fix a system, you have to understand it first.

Deming helped create a system that proved to be holistic and dynamic, and is still used around the world in industry, government, and academia alike. Dr. Deming was also known for his many quotes, and the following is one of my favorites: “It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best.” This quote that can be easily applied to your business studies here at William Howard Taft University. We are committed to helping you in acquiring the knowledge needed in order to do your best and become the best in your future endeavors.

Dr. Anita Cassard
Dean, Deming School of Business

Dean Anita Cassard

About Dr Anita Cassard

Dr. Cassard completed her undergraduate coursework at the Economic Research Institute and Institute of Advanced Studies in Vienna, Austria. She received her MPS from Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy in New York City, and her doctoral degree from Walden University in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Applied Management and Decision Sciences).

Dr. Cassard is a member of Sigma Iota Epsilon-Zeta Rho Chapter and Delta Mu Delta, and has published papers in scientific journals such as Insight – A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, JABE- the Journal of Applied Business and Economics, and JSBHS- Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences. VDM-Publishing in Germany with distributions in Europe, Asia, and the United States published her book, The Sherpa Leadership Model: A Model of Disempowerment.

Dr. Cassard has spent the past twenty years building bridges between higher education and the global business environment to empower people of all backgrounds to work together and become successful citizens.

Business Degree Programs

  • Doctor of Business Administration

  • Master of Business Administration

    General MBA or MBA in Health Care Administration

  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Completion)