HMR606 | Management of Organizations | Aquinis | Performance Management, 4th Edition | Chicago Business Press | 9780998814087 | $96.00 |
FIN603 | Conceptual Foundations of Accounting & Finance | Brealey, R., Myers, S., & Marcus, A. | Fundamentals of corporate finance 11/E. | McGraw Hill | 9781264101566 | $59 |
BUS603 | Strategic Planning & Implementation | Thompson, Peteraf, Strickland, & Gamble | Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage, 23rd Edition | McGraw-Hill/Irwin | 9781264250189 | $207.95 |
MKT603 | Problems & Methods in Marketing Management | Kerin, R. & Hartley, S. | Marketing 15th Edition | McGraw Hill | 9781260260366 | $70.00 |
MGT604 | Global Business Practices & Challenges | Wild & Wild | International Business: The Challenges of Globalization, 9th Edition | Pearson | 9780134729220 | $226.65 |
MGT605 | Leadership Theory & Practice | Northouse | Leadership: Theory and Practice, 9th Edition 2022 | Sage | 9781544397566 | $39.99 |
MGT607 | Organizational Design | Daft | Organization Theory and Design, 13th Edition | Cengage Learning | 9780357445143 | $144.25 |
FIN602 | Designing Economic Business Strategies | Perloff, J | Managerial economics and strategy 3rd Edition 2020 | Pearson | 9780135183786 | $247.51 |
BUS606 | Negotiations and Dispute Settlement | DeMarr & De Janasz | Negotiation and Dispute Resolution, 2nd Edition | Chicago Business Press | 9780998814032 | $120.00 |
FIN604 | Global Economy | Gerber | International Economics, 8th Edition 2022 | Pearson | 9780136892182 | $120.00 |
HMR605 | Corporate Social Responsibility & Ethics | Thorne, Ferrell & Ferrell | Business and Society: A Strategic Approach to Social Responsibility & Ethics, 7th Edition 2021 | Chicago Business Press | 9781948426220 | $125.00 |
BLW603 | Business Law | Kubasek & Browne | Dynamic Business Law, 6th Edition 2023 | McGraw-Hill/Irwin | 9781260733976 | $179.06 |
MKT604 | International Marketing | Cateora, P., Money, R., Gilly, M., & Graham, J. | (2024) International marketing 19/E. | McGraw-Hill | 9781266148637 | $82.00 |
| | | | | | |
MGT603 | Organizational development: The process of leading organizational change 6/E | Anderson | Cases & Exercises in Organizational Development and Change (2023) | Sage | 9781071876206, 1071876201 | $140.00 |
MKT606 | Competitive Analysis & Strategy | David, F., David, F.R. & David, M. (2020). | Strategic management: A competitive advantage approach 17/E | Pearson | 9780135199978 | $89 |
DIS700 | Dissertation Proposal | American Psychological Association | Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition | American Psychological Association | 9781433832154 | $38.29 |
DIS703 | Dissertation | American Psychological Association | Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition | American Psychological Association | 9781433832154 | $38.29 |
BUS705 | Applied Doctoral Project (ADP) Proposal | American Psychological Association | Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition | American Psychological Association | 9781433832154 | $38.29 |
BUS706 | Applied Doctoral Project | American Psychological Association | Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition | American Psychological Association | 9781433832154 | $38.29 |
RES623 | Advanced Academic Writing | American Psychological Association. | Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7/E) | American Psychological Association. | 9781433805592 | $19.94 |
RES623 | Advanced Academic Writing | Sabin, W. | The Gregg reference manual: A manual of style, grammar, usage, & formatting 10/E. | McGraw-Hill Irwin. | 0072936533 | $49 |