Frequently Asked Questions
Disability Services
Do I need to disclose my disability at the time of application?
No. Applicants or students are never required to disclose a disability. Information provided during the admissions process concerning an applicant’s disability are kept in accordance with state and federal laws regarding confidentiality. However, applicants who wish to have their disability considered as a factor in the admissions process, must identify the disability and provide an explanation of why it is a factor at the time of application. If the applicant wishes the disability to be considered as a factor, it will likely be necessary for the applicant to provide appropriate documentation of the disability.
What are my rights and responsibilities as a student with a disability?
Taft University recognizes and fulfills its obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and similar state laws. The University is committed to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified students with disabilities in University programs and activities. This policy is consistent with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which states that no recipient of federal financial assistance may discriminate against a qualified handicapped individual solely by reason of handicap. This policy is also consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act. The policies and procedures established by the University are the means by which faculty, staff, and students of the University endorse and apply the conditions of Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act to Students.
How do I request academic accommodations?
To request academic and/or testing accommodations download and complete the Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Form including supporting documentation.
All documentation must be submitted to:
The Taft University System
Attention: Disability Services
3700 South Susan Street Office 200
Santa Ana, CA 92704Or emailed to:
DisabilityServices@TaftU.eduDocumentation and accommodation requests must be received at least three weeks prior to the start of a course or exam in order to allow adequate time to process the request. Requests received later than this will be considered. However there is a risk that the request cannot be reasonably evaluated or implemented before the course commences. No accommodations may be made prior to the notification of disability and the submission of appropriate documentation. Upon receipt of all documentation,. a Student Services Specialist from The Taft University System will contact you to determine the appropriate accommodation(s).
How are academic accommodations determined?
A reasonable accommodation is a modification or adjustment to a course, program, service, job, activity, or facility that enables a qualified individual with a disability to have an equal opportunity to attain the same level of performance or to enjoy equal benefits and privileges as are available to an individual without a disability.
The determination of reasonable accommodations considers the following:
- Physical barriers and the array of accommodations that might remove the barriers.
- Whether the student has access to the course, program, service, activity, or facility without accommodations.
- Whether essential elements of the course, program, service, activity, or facility are compromised by the accommodations.The following analysis is used when determining accommodations:
- Does the student have a disability?
- Is the student “otherwise qualified”?
- Is the request reasonable?A request is deemed reasonable if:
– The accommodation does not fundamentally alter the nature of the program or activity.
– The accommodation does not lower academic standards.
– The accommodation does not present an undue financial or administrative burden on the University.
– The accommodation does not pose a threat to personal or public safety. -
What academic accommodations are available?
The University provides access, accommodations, and advocacy for Taft students who have documented disabilities. Academic needs are determined by the documentation and a consultation with the student on a case-by-case basis.
The following list contains examples of accommodations:
Additional time on lesson assignments and postings.
Advance copy of the syllabus for the course.
Textbooks on audiotape or electronic format.
Verbal explanation of assignments.
Closed captioning of videos.
Additional time to complete proctored examinations.
Computer Assisted Real-Time Transmission (CART).
This list not all-inclusive, as individual needs may warrant other accommodations. Students should discuss their needs with Student Services.