EDU608 | Educational Administration | Lunenburg & Ornstein | Educational Administration: Concepts & Practices, 7th Edition | Sage | 9781544373607 | $125.00 |
EDU609 | Leadership in Institutional Settings | Northouse | Leadership: Theory & Practice, 9th Edition | Sage | 9781544397566 | $47.00 |
EDU609 | Leadership in Institutional Settings | Northouse & Lee | Leadership Case Studies in Education, 3rd Edition | Sage | 9781071816820 | $30.66 |
EDU517 | Educational Finance | Brimley, Verstegen & Knoeppel | Financing Education in a Climate of Change, 13th Edition | Pearson | 9780135180068 | $139.99 |
EDU616 | Organizational Behavior in the Educational Setting | Owens, R. & Valesky, T. | Organizational Behavior in Education: Leadership and School Reform, 12th Edition | Pearson | 9780135809181 | $59.99 |
RES622 | Basic Academic Writing | American Psychological Association | Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition | American Psychological Association | 9781433832161 | $31.99 |
EDU615 | The Laws and Politics of Education | Hachiya, R | The principal's quick-reference guide to school law: Reducing liability, litigation and other potential legal tangles 4th Edition 2022 | Corwin | 9781071871708 | $53.95 |
EDU618 | Principles of Curriculum Development | Glatthorn, Boschee, Whitehead, & Boschee | Curriculum Leadership: Strategies for Development and Implementation, 5th Edition | Sage | 9781506363172 | $150.00 |
EDU619 | Societal Diversity | Cushner, Kenneth | Human Diversity in Education: An Intercultural Approach, 10th Edition | McGraw-Hill | 9781260837735 | 141.12 |
EDU512 | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education | Ozmon | Philosophical Foundations of Education, 9th Edition | Pearson | 9780132540742 | $113.32 |
EDU512 | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education | Ballantine, Hammack, & Stuber | The Sociology of Education: A Systematic Analysis, 9th Edition | Routledge | 9780367903152 | $99.99 |
EDU514 | Educational Psychology | Slavin, R. | Educational psychology: Theory and practice 13/E. | Pearson | 9780135752999 | $74.99 |
EDU605 | Management of Adult/Occupational Programs | Schmidt & Biniecki | Organization and Administration of Adult Education Programs 2/E | Information Age Publishing, Inc. | 9798887301174 | $52.00 |
EDU620 | Contemporary Topics in Educational Policy | N/A | N/A | - | - | - |
EDU613 | Emerging Educational Technologies | N/A | | | | |
EDU621 | Research Methods | Gay & Mills | Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application, 13th Edition | Pearson | 9781433832161 | $163.82 |
EDU621 | Research Methods | American Psychological Association | Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition | American Psychological Association | 9781433832161 | $31.99 |
RES623 | Advanced Academic Writing | American Psychological Association | Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition | American Psychological Association | 9781433832161 | $31.99 |
EDU706 | Dissertation Proposal | American Psychological Association | Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition | American Psychological Association | 9781433832161 | $31.99 |
EDU707 | Dissertation | American Psychological Association | Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition | American Psychological Association | 9781433832161 | $31.99 |
EDU708 | Applied Doctoral Project (ADP) Proposal | American Psychological Association | Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition | American Psychological Association | 9781433832161 | $31.99 |
EDU705 | Applied Doctoral Project | American Psychological Association | Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition | American Psychological Association | 9781433832161 | $31.99 |