TAX721 | Tax Research Techniques | Sawyers & Gill | Federal Tax Research, 12th Edition | Cengage | 9780357366387 | $249.95 |
TAX721 | Tax Research Techniques | Honigsberg & Ho | Legal Research, Writing, and Analysis, 13th Edition | Gilbert Law Summaries | 9781642426724 | $49.00 |
TAX702 | Tax Aspects of Organizing & Operating | Kwall, Jeffrey L. | The Federal income taxation of corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, and their owners. 7th edition. | West Academic Publishing | 9781636594651 | $260 |
TAX708 | Federal Income Taxation of Individuals | Jones, S.M., Rhoades-Catanach, S.C., Callaghan, S.R., and Kubick, T.R | Principles of taxation for business and investment planning | McGraw-Hill | 9781265674090 | $391 |
TAX703 | Federal Income Tax Aspects of Corporate Reorganizations | Kwall, Jeffrey L. (2022). | The federal income taxation of corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, and their owners. (7th Edition) | West Academic Publishing | 9781685615093 | $55 |
TAX724 | Taxation of Partnerships | N/A | N/A | | | |
TAX724 | Taxation of Partnerships | Honigsberg & Ho | Legal Research, Writing, and Analysis, 13th Edition | Gilbert Law Summaries | 9781642426724 | $49.00 |
TAX735 | Taxation of Real Estate | Robinson | Federal Income Taxation of Real Estate (FRES) 2025 | Thomson Reuters | 978-0887120817 | $399 |
TAX735 | Taxation of Real Estate | Honigsberg & Ho | Legal Research, Writing, and Analysis, 13th Edition | Gilbert Law Summaries | 9781642426724 | $49.00 |
TAX726 | Estate Taxation and Planning | Dalton, M.A, and Langdon, T.P. | Estate Planning 13th Edition (2022) | Money Education | 978-1-946711-00-7 | $179.00 |
TAX707 | Income Taxation of Estates & Trusts | Soled, Jay A., Acker, Alan S., Doyle IV, Jeremiah W., Siegel, Steven G., and Weissbart, Sean R. (2023). | The income taxation of trusts and estates, Second Edition. | Carolina Academic Press | 9781531028084 | $154.37 |
TAX709 | Fundamentals of International Taxation | Misey & Schadewald | A Practical Guide to US Taxation of International Transactions, 11th Edition | Wolters Kluwer | 9780808050247 | $190.00 |
TAX710 | IRS Practice & Procedure | Saltzman & Book | IRS Practice and Procedures - Student Edition (IRX) 2024 | Thomson Reuters | 9781508311300 | $222.00 |
TAX711 | Tax Fraud & Evasion | Comisky, Feld, Harris & Feld | Tax Fraud & Evasion - Volume 1 (TFES) 2024-01 | Thomson Reuters | 9781508311829 | $925.00 |
TAX711 | Tax Fraud & Evasion | Honigsberg & Ho | Legal Research, Writing, and Analysis, 13th Edition | Gilbert Law Summaries | 9781642426724 | $49.00 |
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